
The origin of Weifang?

The origin of Weifang?

On April 27, 1948, Weixian was liberated and Weifang was established as a special city based on Weicheng and Fangzi, which were named with the initials of Weicheng and Fangzi. In June 1949, it was renamed Weifang City. Weicheng district is named after the old Weicheng County. In the sixteenth year of Kaihuang's reign in Sui Dynasty (AD 596), Weizhou was established; in the fifteenth year of Hongwu's reign in Ming Dynasty (AD 1377), Weizhou was renamed Weixian County; in June 1949, Weifang was renamed Weifang City; in 1984, Weifang City was established under the jurisdiction of the provincial government at the prefecture level. Fangzi District was named after Weifang City in 1984 set up a county district in Fangzi.

The origin of Weifang?




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