
The origin of Wenzhou?

The origin of Wenzhou?

Tang Gaozong Shang Yuan two years (675 years), the state analysis of Wenzhou, which is the beginning of Wenzhou name. According to the "Zhejiang Tongzhi" quoted in "The Book of Pictures" : "Wenzhou its land from warm qiao Shanxi, the people more fire cultivation, although the deep winter constant Australia". Wenzhou is located in the south of Wen Qiao ridge, winter without cold, summer without heat, warm climate, so called Wenzhou. Wenzhou ancient for the Ou land, also known as "East Ou", Tang Dynasty began to call Wenzhou, referred to as "Ou" or "Wen". Ou is a kind of pottery vessels, about in the Neolithic Age, Wenzhou lives the primitive Ou people to make pottery.

The origin of Wenzhou?




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