
The origin of Wuxi?

The origin of Wuxi?

There are two theories about how Wuxi got its name. One way of saying that is now popular, that between Zhou and Qin tin production in Xishan, to the Han Dynasty tin, so the name "Wuxi". Xinmang tin comeback, changed the county named "tin", the early Eastern Han Dynasty for Wuxi. Another view that "Wuxi" is one of the ancient Vietnamese place names. "Wu" is a lexical word with no real meaning. The original meaning of "tin" has been lost for a long time due to the ancient Yue language. This is a conclusion reached by some toponym scholars, linguists and historical geographers on the basis of summing up the academic achievements of their predecessors and through the investigation and research of a large number of toponym names in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions.

The origin of Wuxi?




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