
​The origin of Xian?

​The origin of Xi 'an?

Xi 'an became "Fenghao" in the Western Zhou Dynasty. "Fenghao" is the combined name of Fengjing and Haojing built by King Wen and King Wu respectively. In the early Western Han Dynasty, Liu Bang made Guanzhong his capital and named it "Chang 'an" after the local Chang 'an township, which means "lasting peace and stability".

The origin of Xi 'an?

After the opening of the Silk Road, Chang 'an became the center of Eastern civilization. History said, "there is Rome in the west and Chang 'an in the east." In Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian, Emperor Suiwen, was named "Daxing County Duke" by Emperor Ming of Zhou, so the new capital was named "Daxing City", and Chang 'an was also called "Daxing City" in Sui Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, the name Chang 'an was restored. Yuan Dynasty, renamed "Fengyuan City". Ming Hongwu two years (1369), the Ming government changed Fengyuan Road for Xi 'an House, take righteousness "stable northwest". From this came the name Xi 'an.




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