
Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed?

Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed?

Don't. Exercise before bed pays off. This is because the effects of physical activity before bed can be maintained throughout sleep, especially with exercises that deepen breathing, such as diaphragms or chest expansions, which oxygenate the body's entire system. In a better oxygenated state, not only sleep soundly, but also eliminate the fatigue of the day will be greatly accelerated.

Waist abdominal weight loss exercise

Does exercise affect sleep before going to bed?

First of all, lay your body on the left side of the bed, and then feet together, and knees should be bent, and then use the left arm to support the upper body, right hand on the stomach to maintain balance. A blanket can be placed over the right leg to increase pressure. Keep your feet together and lift off the bed, opening your legs to form a diamond. Return to the starting position and relax. Do two sets of 12 reps. Then switch to the right side and do two more sets of 12 reps. Works hips and thighs.

Small waist movement

Face up, then lie on your back, keeping your knees bent, feet together, and shoulders on the edge of the bed. Put your hands behind your head. Using abdominal strength, do sit-ups slowly. Each group of 12 times, do two groups, can exercise the waist and abdomen.

Tusk waist movement

Kneeling on your knees and hands on the bed, keeping your waist and hips working hard, lift your right leg up, bend your knees, and turn the bottom of your foot in the air. Hold for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. Do two sets of 12 reps. Exercise hips and waist.

Thigh conditioning action

Lie on your left side of the bed, legs bent, left arm to support the upper body, right hand in front of the abdomen to help maintain balance, back straight. Lift the right leg up as far as possible to reach the highest, then slowly put down to restore the original state. Do two sets of 12 reps. Switch sides and do the same two sets of 12.




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